Suwannee River Area Council
Boy Scouts of America
Strategic Plan
Download PDF Version


The mission of the Suwannee River Area Council (the “Council”) is to prepare youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.


The Council will be the premier youth serving organization serving communities in its South Georgia / North Florida area of service. The Council will be recognized for its service to youth in all areas of those communities and for its leadership in providing programs and opportunities for youth to develop confidence, character, integrity, leadership, and citizenship.

Guiding Principles

Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Scout Law: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.


This strategic plan sets forth general objectives and specific goals within each of the following core functions of the Council, together with strategies and priorities for achieving those objectives and goals: Programs; Membership; Marketing and Communications; Fund Development; Properties; and Operations and Governance.

SWOT Analysis

An analysis of the Council’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is included at the end of this strategic plan. The objectives, goals, and strategies outlined in this plan are intended to facilitate the achievement of the Council’s mission and vision by utilizing the Council’s strengths and taking advantage of its opportunities while overcoming its weaknesses and threats.

Adopted: April 18, 2017 Reviewed and updated: _____________




Deliver high-quality programs that attract and retain members and provide training for youth and volunteers.


  1. Ensure programs encompass all levels and members of Scouting and increase participation by youth in council programs by 5% annually;
  2. Increase volunteer attendance in training and supplemental training by 5% annually;
  3. Achieve 100% of leaders trained in their registered position and 100% of volunteers in Youth Protection;
  4. Improve advancement in all programs by 2% annually;
  5. Increase overall service hours by 5% annually with each unit sponsoring at least one project per year.

JTE Performance Items:      7,8, 9, 10, 18  ( Appendix A)

Action Member:       VP-Programs


  • Improve quality and consistency of programs and activities to ensure they are fun, interesting and engaging by conducting an assessment of current programs and activities and updating/creating offerings as necessary and resources permit.
  • Develop programs that focus on Webelos and Venture age groups.
  • Ensure that programs include activities needed for advancement and/or merit badges.
  • Develop and use succession plans for all programs and activities.
  • Offer regular basic leader training opportunities for leaders and publicize on line training resources that are available.
  • Include Youth Protection Training as part of the training at all opportunities in conjunction with on-line training.
  • Offer supplemental and advanced training for youth and adults such as Roundtables, Pow Wow, University of Scouting , Wood Badge and NYLT.
  • Provide resources, material and support to unit leaders in presenting unit level youth leader training.
  • Promote BSA High Adventure programs for youth and training opportunities for adults and encourage attendance.

Expand programs offered in conjunction with federal, state and local organizations and agencies.



Increase membership in all programs by recruiting and retaining members and units and expanding awareness of Scouting in the community.


  1. Achieve annual growth in membership of 3% overall
  2. Show net gains in units annually and have at least 50 Packs within 3 years
  3. Establish and maintain at least one (1) traditional unit in each county within five (5) years.
  4. Attain minimum overall retention of 80% and 90% retention of Webelos cross-overs.
  5. Increase market share by 1% annually.
  6. Increase Venture Crews and members and Explorer Posts and members.

JTE Performance Items:      5, 6, 13 (Appendix A)

Action Member:       VP-Membership


  • Appoint a committee to develop a Council Recruiting and Retention plan
  • Utilize volunteers to support recruiting efforts
  • Conduct recruiting activities in high traffic areas during peak recruiting periods
  • Develop and distribute information for Webelos and families to assist in transition to Boy Scouts and increase percentage of youth moving into Boy Scout program
  • Establish annual contact with Charter Partners to identify and assist with membership growth
  • With the Marketing Committee, conduct activities designed to attract new members.
  • Utilize volunteers and para-professionals to identify potential partners and sponsors for units in targeted areas
  • Undertake actions to recruit youth as result of expanded programs and membership eligibility
  • Coordinate with current sponsors on expanding membership in existing Explorer Posts and identify additional areas of interest for Posts and sponsors.



Increase awareness of Scouting within the community by publicizing and promoting programs and ensuring that adequate and timely information on Council programs and activities is provided to the membership.


  1. Ensure that Scouts and families and members of the community are aware of Scouting opportunities in the communities and of the contributions Scouts make to the community.
  2. Improve communications with members about current Council events and activities.
  3. Increase awareness of Council support functions and requirements among membership.

JTE Performance Items:      4, 11 (Appendix A)

Action Member:       VP-Marketing


  • Recruit and utilize marketing committee and develop a marketing/communications plan
  • Publish a monthly newsletter and periodic articles using appropriate media to inform members and community of achievements and upcoming activities.
  • Prepare or coordinate information to membership on scheduled council activities.
  • Update and maintain council website to provide users with timely, detailed information to users.
  • Ensure contact list for members is accurate and current.



Develop a comprehensive funding process that enables the Council to be financially sound with balanced budgets, expanded support and increased in endowment.


  1. Increase revenue from fundraising activities with annual increase in FOS contributions of 2% in revenue.
  2. Conduct FOS presentations to 100% of registered units.
  3. Increase donors by 1% annually.
  4. Increase product sales by 5% annually and 80% participation by units.
  5. Attain an Endowment fund of $2,500,000.00 within 5 years.
  6. Increase endowment contributions by 5% annually or 5 new donors from prior year.
  7. Expand attendance and donations from special events.

JTE Performance Items:      1, 2, 3 (Appendix A)

Action Member:       VP-Finance


  • Appoint a Fund Development Committee
  • Develop a standard FOS presentation to use to groups.
  • Recruit and train district volunteers to make unit presentations to units.
  • Increase annual product sales and expand units and individuals participating in product sales.
  • Increase size of and support of endowment fund by identifying endowment supporters and distributing information on endowment opportunities.
  • .
  • Expand Golden Eagle Society membership by 10%
  • Increase corporate sponsorships for events by $10,000.00
  • Increase participants in Super Clays Tournament and initiate planning for additional tournaments/events
  • Publish an annual financial/giving report



Develop, finance, utilize and maintain council properties and facilities to best benefit council programs and operations.


Repair and restore Council property damaged by Hurricane Michael and prepare a Property Restoral plan based on experience with restoration efforts

  1. Provide adequate facilities for programs by improving, expanding and maintaining existing camp and council properties and assets
  2. Ensure that council and camp facilities meet established standards
  3. Identify and prioritize additions/upgrades to properties
  4. Increase utilization of Council properties by third party organizations and groups
  5. Have camp properties become self-funded

JTE Performance Items: 3, 9, 10 (Appendix A)

Action Member:       VP-Properties


  • Update the Properties Master Plan, including identifying maintenance needs, additions, and revenue producing sources.
  • Develop and use an annual facilities and equipment maintenance and repair program and publish a schedule of activities.
  • Implement a unit adoption plan and prepare and utilize a list of repair/maintenance projects for use by volunteers and groups.
  • Identify and prioritize major maintenance and capital improvements and sources of funding.
  • Acquire funding through donations, sponsorships, grants or other sources for major repairs, upgrades and additions.
  • Develop and implement income generating activities to produce funds to support property needs.
  • Expand the use of camp properties by outside groups.
  • Appoint a museum committee and revise/adopt policies and procedures for museum operations and memorabilia



Maintain organizational structure with volunteer and professional staffing which enable the Council to provide and support programs.


  1. Ensure Executive Board is comprised of active members.
  2. Conduct training/orientation for new and current board members.
  3. Recruit at least 3 new board members annually.
  4. Improve attendance at board and committee meetings.
  5. Ensure Council reorganization is efficiently implemented
  6. Improve board diversity.
  7. Assist units with use of JTE in unit programs.
  8. Maintain 3:1 ratio of units to trained unit commissioners.

JTE Performance Items:      12, 14, 15, 16, 17 (Appendix A)

Action Members:

  • Council President
  • Council Commissioner
  • Scout Executive
  • Other officers as necessary


  • Provide professional staff to support council, districts and programs by recruiting, developing and retaining qualified professionals and ensure they have support and resources necessary.
  • Expand the Executive Board using the Nominating Committee to identify and recruit Board members.
  • Establish functioning Board committees and require active participation.
  • Ensure members receive appropriate board orientation and schedule periodic continuing education programs and records of board and committee meetings timely.
  • Conduct an annual planning/strategic plan update conference.
  • Ensure all board members receive board packets and board and committee meeting records timely
  • Contact board members prior to board meetings.
  • Develop and implement means to assist units in recruiting volunteers and ensure all volunteers receive training and support.
  • Recruit, train and utilize Commissioners to provide unit support and increase use of and attendance at Roundtables and facilitate communications between Council and members.
  • Recruit replacements for vacant officer and/or board positions created by resignation    within 30-45 days of resignation
  • Identify and take actions necessary to implement the plan to eliminate existing districts of the Council






·         Experienced professional staff

·         Experienced group of volunteers

·         Office ownership

·         Rental income covers office debt

·         Camp property and location

·         Geographic diversity of council area offers variety of outdoor experiences

·         Retention rate overall is among highest in Area 4

·         Advancement

·         Boy Scout long-term camping

·         Shooting sports program support

·         Summer usage of camp property by non-Scout groups



·         Fundraising

·         Marketing/community awareness

·         Overall training percentages

·         Cash flow

·         Endowment support

·         Ability to unite support council-wide

·         Wallwood BSR does not support itself financially.

·         Staff turnover

·         Number of leaders/volunteers

·         Board involvement

·         Underserved areas

·         Slow to change

·         BS camp usage and attendance

·         Low Cub Scout camp/program attendance

·         Program variety/change

·         District organization

·         Camp facilities in need of repair or replacement

·         Concentration of youth and volunteers in one county

·         Use of volunteer resources

·         Low attendance at supplemental training and roundtables

·         Cub Scout recruiting

·         Market share

·         Communications




·         Use of camp property by groups and educational opportunities.

·         Endowment donations

·         Grants

·         Staff recruitment

·         Expansion in underserved areas

·         Eagle Scout alumni

·         Venturers

·         Board expansion and involvement

·         District and council committee organization

·         BSA National policies and ongoing negative press

·         Perception of BSA programs

·         Economy

·         Federal and state regulations

·         Willingness/ability of parents to be leaders/volunteers

·         Volunteer time and burn-out

·         Reaction to changes in youth interests

·         Changes in societal views/values and ability to adapt

·         Outside influence on merger

·         Static TAY

·         Small number of major employers

·         Increasing outside demands


Updated: March, 2017



2018-2019 PRIORITIES



Action Items*

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:

Develop and implement a strategy to ensure that 100% of adult leaders having direct contact with youth members are current in Basic Youth Protection Training as of January 1, 2019. Actively involve unit commissioners as part of the strategy.


Training Chair





Building upon the success of Longleaf Challenge in February, 2017, plan and carry out a weekend camping event at Wallwood, in conjunction with the Nature Conservancy, focusing on conservation, with an opportunity to earn one or more merit badges in the nature and conservation fields.


Conservation Comm.

Council President



Event to occur in Feb. 2019











*These are in addition to 2019 program priorities that have already been established, including annual camping and training programs as well as National Jamboree and Woodbadge.





Action Items

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:

Restore youth membership to 2015 levels, with emphasis on Cub Scouts.

VP Membership





Restore effectiveness of unit commissioners in supporting recruiting.





Stabilize units that have declined in membership during the past two years.

VP Membership




Organize at least two new Cub Scout packs in areas that currently are underserved, with input from VP Diversity.

VP Membership

VP Diversity




Expand recruitment to take advantage of additional programs and membership eligibility

VP Membership




Strengthen law enforcement Explorer posts via greater involvement by law enforcement agencies.

VP Membership

VP Diversity






Marketing and Communications

Action Items

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:

Create a task force, including one or more IT experts, to develop and implement a strategy for improving the effectiveness of the Council’s communication (to members, supporters, and the general public) via email and social media. Appoint a chair; define goals.

VP Marketing




Publish at least two articles or editorials in newspapers serving the Council’s area regarding Scouting events and successes, highlighting  examples of character building, leadership, and community service.

VP Marketing

Council President




Prepare and circulate in an appropriate manner) a summary of programs and services offered by the Council and the role Scouts, units, families and volunteers have

VP Marketing

Council President

Council Executive



Arrange for remote participation (via conference call) in committee and Executive Board meetings.

Council Executive









Fund Development

Action Items

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:





Conduct a successful 2019 Golden Eagle Dinner, raising at least $150,000.





Secure at least 90 contributors at the Golden Eagle Society level in 2019.



By July, 2019


Develop and publicize a Junior Golden Eagle Society initiative for contributors who are under age 30.





Use Commissioner resources to facilitate unit and group FOS presentations.




Plan 2019 shooting sports events (e.g., sporting clays, quail hunt),


Events in Oct.- Dec. 2019


Work with National representatives to identify potential donors and conduct a campaign to increase contributions to Council

VP Endowment




Identify and apply for one additional grant.











Action Items

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:

Adopt museum operations policies and inventory items in museum

Council President




Update the Properties Master Plan, including identifying maintenance needs, additions, and revenue producing sources.

VP Properties




Develop a facilities and equipment maintenance and repair program and publish a schedule of activities for one year.

VP Properties


ASAP after app’t of VP Properties




Operations and Governance

Action Items

Responsible Persons

Target Completion

Status as of:

Fill vacant officer and Board positions created by resignations

Council President

Nominating Chair

Council Executive



Appoint 2018-19 Nominating Committee and Chair.

Council President



Use a written Board Commitment that explains participation and support responsibilities of Executive Board members, to be used in recruitment process and to confirm Board member acceptance of commitments.

Council President

Executive Committee




Ensure the Nominating Committee has a comprehensive list of potential new board members and the ability to confirm their qualifications and willingness to serve.

Council President

Nominating Chair



Update and use diversity plan to serve as a strategy for reaching and serving underserved communities and in achieving broader representation of the communities served by the Council on the Executive Board.

VP Diversity

Council President

Council Executive











Contact Executive Board members prior to each meeting to encourage attendance.

Executive Committee

Each meeting


Provide draft minutes of Executive Committee meetings to Executive Board one week after each Executive Committee meeting; provide information packet to Executive Board one week prior to each Board meeting.


Each meeting


Updated:  January 2019

Council Activities and Events

Below you will find Suwannee River Area Council’s list of program dates for 2022. The first section below lists dates relevant to all of our youth, families, and volunteers. The second section has dates specific to individual programs. All events have link to their respective registration pages, however not all registration is live yet.  As final details for each event are confirmed, such as fees, registration info, etc., you will see the Registration button become available and we’ll make announcements via our e-mail list and social media.  This will be updated as the year goes on, so please check back to see the most up to date information!

See also: SRAC Online Program Calendar or Printable 2022 Calendar

Need help funding your scouts activities?  We can help!  The Suwannee River Area Council has created Specific Assistance as a way to provide Scouting programs to youth and adults who otherwise can’t afford it. Funding is provided from sources such as The Friends of Scouting Fundraising Campaign, Popcorn Sale, and the Camp Card Sale.

Specific Assistance is available to provide funding assistance to youth and adult Scouters for:

  • BSA Youth Handbook
  • BSA Field Uniform
  • Registration Fees (BSA Membership Fee & Council Program Fee)
  • Camperships in the Suwannee River Area Council
  • Adult and Youth Training in the Suwannee River Area Council

For more information, see the Specific Assistance Application.

Dates for Everyone

Roundtable is the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person and Virtually at Faith Presbyterian Church and Zoom.

GPS to 2200 N Meridian Rd Tallahassee FL

Zoom Meeting ID: 899 6896 9041

Zoom Passcode: 6e8pi9

Eagle Scout Board of Reviews are held every third Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person at Good Shepherd Catholic Church.

GPS to 4665 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee, FL

Cub Scouts


Scouts BSA

Order of the Arrow


Program Calendar

Below you will find Suwannee River Area Council’s list of program dates for 2022. The first section below lists dates relevant to all of our youth, families, and volunteers. The second section has dates specific to individual programs. All events have link to their respective registration pages, however not all registration is live yet.  As final details for each event are confirmed, such as fees, registration info, etc., you will see the Registration button become available and we’ll make announcements via our e-mail list and social media.  This will be updated as the year goes on, so please check back to see the most up to date information!

2022 Calendar Year by Month – Printable 2022 Calendar (updated 5/24/22)

Dates for Everyone

Roundtable is the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person and Virtually at Faith Presbyterian Church and Zoom.

GPS to 2200 N Meridian Rd Tallahassee FL

Zoom Meeting ID: 899 6896 9041

Zoom Passcode: 6e8pi9

Eagle Scout Board of Reviews are held every third Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person at Good Shepherd Catholic Church.

GPS to 4665 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee, FL

Scouts BSA

Order of the Arrow


Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy: Local Update

As of February 18, 2020


TO:                    Local Stakeholders (Council Volunteers, Council Parents, Friends of Scouting)

FROM:              Terry Whitaker, Scout Executive

SUBJECT:        An Important Update from the Suwannee River Area Council

As a valued member of the Scouting family, our goal is to help you understand recent media coverage about National Boy Scouts of America. 

Please know that Scouting is strong in area, with more than 1,700 youth and over 800 volunteer leaders. All local Scouting programs are continuing as usual.  We remain as committed as ever to delivering a safe and impactful Scouting program in north Florida and south Georgia.

Today, the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to achieve two key objectives: equitably compensate victims who were harmed during their time in Scouting and continue to carry out Scouting’s mission for years to come.

I want to highlight important points that are most relevant to the Suwannee River Area Council:

  • The Suwannee River Area Council has not filed for bankruptcy. Our Council is legally separate, distinct and financially independent from the national organization.
  • Scouting programs will continue. This means that unit meetings and activities, district and council events, other Scouting adventures and countless service projects will take place as usual. In short, we expect no changes to the local Scouting experience in our area.
  • Scouting is safer now than ever before. Over many years, we’ve developed some of the strongest expert-informed youth protection policies found in any youth-serving organization. I can also assure you that our volunteers and employees take youth protection extremely seriously and do their part to help keep kids safe.
  • Restricted donations – past, present or future – can only be used for their designated purpose. In addition, Friends of Scouting (FOS) and other annual donations made to our Council will continue to fund necessary day-to-day expenses that are critical to local Scouting programs.

While we do not anticipate the national organization’s bankruptcy filing will have any direct impact on the local Scouting experience or your involvement with our Council, I understand you may still have questions about these issues and things you will see in the news. To that end, the national organization has established a dedicated restructuring website,

This site includes a helpful Resources page, where you will find a short video  explaining what Chapter 11 means for Scouting, as well as a FAQ.

The site’s Milestones page will be your best source for the latest updates throughout this process. 

If you have any questions about local Scouting, you can always feel free to reach out directly to me or your usual contact within our Council. 

Through your engagement and dedication to Scouting, the Suwannee River Area Council will continue to bring adventures, values and lifelong benefits to youth and our communities for generations to come. Thank you for your trust and support as we continue this important mission.

Yours in Scouting,

Terry Whitaker

Scout Executive

Scouts BSA is Here!

Offering all of the Iconic Programs of the BSA to both Boys and Girls

Scouts BSA is a year-round program for youth in fifth grade through high school that provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become the best version of themselves.

In Scouts BSA, young men and women go places, test themselves, and have one-of-a-kind adventures that can’t be found anywhere else.

For the first time in its 100+ year history, the iconic program of the Boy Scouts of America is open to young women as well as young men, all of whom will have the chance to earn Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout.

Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. The council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for units to research opportunities, calculate returns, create sales and promotional materials, manage a relationship with a vendor, etc. The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn…It’s also about promoting Scouting!

Thousands of dollars go back to the Scouting program in the Suwanee River Area Council as a result of the annual popcorn sale. 70% of all dollars collected during the sale support local Scouting. The popcorn sale is a way for a Scout to support his or her way through the various activities during the year. There are three options to sell popcorn: traditional take order sales, sell online to friends and family out of town and show-n-sell. For more information, contact your unit popcorn kernel.

This year’s sale runs from July 30, 2020 until November 1, 2020.

For more information, see the SRAC Popcorn Sale webpage!

Join Scouting!

We are excited that you are interested in joining the Boy Scouts of America! Scouting is open to all members of your family.  Both girls and boys can take advantage of all of the adventure and excitement available in the scouting programs!

The BSA’s mission is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.  By welcoming both girls and boys into the program, even more youth will have access to the character development and values-based leadership that Scouting promises. 

Joining is Easy!

Whether you’re a parent of an elementary, intermediate or high school aged child, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved with the Boy Scouts of America.  Choose the program that is right for your family and explore the links on our Join Scouting page to see the latest resources and updates.  Then click on map to the left to find a unit near you or call us at (850) 576-4146 and we’ll help you find the unit that is right for you!


Tiger Prowl - Saturday, October 5, 2019
Have some WILD fun with us! Activities, Songs, Skits, Crafts, wild FUN, ...AND MUCH MORE!!

$15.00 / Tiger Cub - Sorry, no siblings allowed!
$15.00 / Tiger Partner Registration deadline: September 27, 2018
Click Here
Cub Family Weekend - October 18-20
Are you ready for an Out of this World experience? Come to the Fall 2019 STEM Wars Cub Family Weekend and have a BLAST!

This weekend is a must for Star Wars fans, science enthusiasts, and anyone who just wants to have fun.
Click Here
Webelos Woods - December 6-8
The Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts will spend a fun-filled weekend learning and practicing basic Scout camping skills. The Scouts will learn from experienced Scouting BSA Scouts, Venture Scouts, and Members of the Order of the Arrow.

Parents can also visit Boy Scout Troop displays, talk to troop leaders and parents and gather information about local troops. This will help you make an informed decision on what troop has the best fit for your son.
Click here
Cub Family Weekend
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Click Here

Leaders Guide 2019 – Click here

Important Dates – Click here

Order Form – Click Here

Product Mix – Click Here

Prize Incentive Program – Click Here

How to Order Prizes (for Unit Popcorn Chair only)

Why Sell Popcorn?

    • Increase your unit and council income – 70% stays local
    • Pay for your entire Scouting program.
    • Scouts learn life lessons by “earning their own way.”
    • The prize program motivates Scouts.
    • Cool new incentives for Scouts who sell
    • For additional revenue, sell online to friends and family out of town.

Sell Popcorn Online!

Selling online is the best way to sell to friends and family who live far away. Online sales count toward Scout rewards.Participants can send emails to friends and family asking them to purchase Trail’s End products online. The email includes a link allowing them to begin shopping right away. Customers can pay with a credit card, and the products are shipped directly to the customer by Trail’s End. The advantages of online sales is that the Scout doesn’t have to collect money or deliver product.

Military Donation

The Military Donation allows customers to support the military and Scouting at the same time. Customers can choose to donate $55 (gold level) or $35 (silver level) worth of popcorn for our troops when ordering online, or $50 or $30 for take-order sales. Trail’s End sends various Trail’s End products to men and women in the military, their families and veterans’ organizations. There is no shipping and handling charges associated with Military Donations.Over 2,000 tons of popcorn treats have been shipped to hundreds of locations around the world! Military donations also count toward Scout rewards.

College Scholarships

Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (online, face-to-face or combination) qualify for the Trails End College Scholarship Program.

New Apps for Digital Devices:

One Page Overview

Other Material to support Popcorn Sales:

Why a Scout should sell Popcorn


Dates for Everyone

Roundtable is the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person and Virtually at Faith Presbyterian Church and Zoom. GPS to 2200 N Meridian Rd Tallahassee FL Zoom Meeting ID: 899 6896 9041 Zoom Passcode: 6e8pi9 Eagle Scout Board of Reviews are held every third Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Held In-Person at Good Shepherd Catholic Church. GPS to 4665 Thomasville Rd. Tallahassee, FL

Scouts BSA

2023 Summer Camp Dates

The 7 local Councils of Area 4 Florida BSA

Suwanee River Council North Florida Council Central Florida Council Greater Tampa Bay Area Council Southwest Florida Council Gulf Stream Council South Florida Council