
Thank you for taking the time to become a trained leader.

You will be an incredible volunteer Scout leader. Thank you so much for your generous gift of time and leadership to our council. The Scouts will develop amazing skills and gain valuable insights about nature and the world around them because of you. Without you, as their trained leader none of this would be possible. Thank you for volunteering to lead, we appreciate you!

A cornerstone of the Boy Scouts of America’s programs is training. There are many opportunities available to youth at various levels to further develop. Some of these trainings will be conducted in your unit; others are available for you to work on by yourself.

Every scout deserves a trained leader!

More likely to graduate from college and graduate school; more likely to hold positions of great responsibility and on the average make significantly more money.” – unknown

A Baylor University-Templeton Foundation-Gallup ongoing study finds that all of those things are true of adults who have been Scouts compared to those who never were. What makes Scouts different as adults? Part of this is the fun, the activities, the outings. We all like those things. But honestly, every youth program has some fun-based elements so it doesn’t account for the difference that Scouting makes.

The difference is that in Scouting, as in no other youth program, adults care enough to impart to youth the core moral and spiritual values, the leadership principles, skill mastery, and the attitudes of mind and heart that make up the legacy of Scouting. These adults deliver the promise of Scouting! They prepare youth to be successful and productive, ethically centered, and individuals of character and integrity.

That’s a huge job and bigger responsibility. These adult leaders are able to accomplish so much because they have acquired the knowledge and skill sets that they can then pass on to young men and women. Scouting provides one of the finest adult education programs available anywhere. It is where any adult can master the knowledge that will give their youth the edge, Baylor University found in its study, and might give the adults an edge in their own lives.

When you get your unit training report it will show the minimal training that each registered adult must have to be considered trained. For our council to have a strong Cub, Scouts BSA, Venturing or Exploring program, every adult must do at least the minimum for the youth. But don’t limit yourselves: the more you know, the more your youth will benefit. Consider Wood Badge, Powder Horn, Philmont Leadership Challenge or the myriad of other courses available. These courses can make you as proficient in the skills and servant leadership principles as we all hope the youth will be when we have given them our best.

The Suwannee River Area Council believes that all leaders should have an opportunity to experience the training needed in the environment that makes sense for them.

Online Training

At, leaders can get trained for their volunteer role without leaving the couch. Complete the courses at your own pace from a home computer or tablet.

The experts at Scouting U found that today’s adult learner prefers to consume smaller chunks of knowledge versus all-day class, says Steve Yackel, team leader of Instructional Design at Scouting U. Adults also retain more knowledge, he says, if they are given the chance to put their newfound skills into action.

In the BSA Learning Center, leaders watch a series of eight- to 10-minute interactive videos in three sections: Before the First Meeting, Within 30 Days and Position Trained. The lessons are broken into three sections to allow leaders time to put their newfound knowledge into action. Of course, some will decide to complete all training sessions at once, which is the beauty of online training: It’s flexible and adaptable to your schedule and preferences.

Local “live person” Training

For those that prefer the personal approach of a classroom setting with experienced instructors, our council training team has scheduled a number of “in person” training experiences in your local area. You are welcome to attend any of the training sessions. For detailed information on location, costs and full content, please follow the link to our Upcoming Events Page.