When the Boy Scouts of America introduced the new Training Continuum in 2001, the third part of that continuum was to complete Wood Badge for the 21st Century within 2 years of becoming a registered BSA Leader.
Next Course: March 8-10 and April 5-7, 2024
Mission of Wood Badge
The mission of Wood Badge is to inspire and train adults to achieve the mission and aims of the BSA through premier leadership training that sets the example for youth empowerment to enrich the world.
The primary purpose of Wood Badge is to strengthen Scouting in our units, districts, and council. Every youth deserves a well-trained leader.
Why Join Wood Badge
Wood Badge provides dedicated Scouters with the concepts, tools, and methods needed to be effective leaders. Wood Badge creates a structured opportunity to develop and apply critical leadership skills.
Attending Wood Badge will make your Scouting job easier. Attendees gain an in-depth understanding of the skills of leadership. The skills you learn will help you become a more effective leader in Scouting, your career, your family, and your community life.
Who Can Attend
To attend a Wood Badge course, Scouters must:
- Be registered adult members of the Boy Scouts of America .
- Have completed basic training courses for their Scouting position.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All partic ipants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical Record forms A, B, and C.
Course Objectives
Service and Leadership for Scouting Service and leadership for America
- Examine your own leadership skills by recognizing your own strengths.
- Practice and improve your leadership skills.
- Communicate effectively and build relationships and teams.
- Guide youth and other adults in the development of their leadership skil ls.
- Strengthen your commitment to living and teaching the Scout Oath and Law.