How Your Unit Can Help


There are several ways you can help the Family Friends of Scouting Campaign within your unit to be successful.

  1. Sign up
    for your presentation to occur at your pack’s blue & gold banquet or troop’s court of honor.
  2. Help prepare the families in your unit to participate financially in the campaign through prior announcements and a warm-up letter
  3. If you are a unit leader, set the example – step up – by handing the presenter your gift as you make a proper introduction of the presentation.
  4. Promptly follow-up with those families that did not attend the presentation with a letter and/or personal contact.

Each of these actions will improve the results of your unit’s presentation.

To Donate online, please click the
Donate Now button above.

If you havequestions, please contact the Council Service Center (850) 576-4146.