If you are interested in using the facilities or camping at Wallwood Scout Reservation, please use contact Dennis Whisenant at Dennis.Whisenant@scouting.org or 850-498-8087.
All Upcoming Event Links can be found here.
What is Cub Scout Day Camp?
Who should come? Any youth interested in scouting (grades 1-5) or any currently registered Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear or Webelos Scout (4th and 5th grade). Scouts will be working toward their next rank at camp.
What? Cub Scout Day Camp is a week long day time (non-resident) program for all Cubs. The program is designed to introduce each scout to their next rank. At the end of each school year, each scout ‘ranks up’ regardless of the achievements they earned over the past year. This is the perfect opportunity to join Cub Scouts if you are interested in a fresh start!
Where? Typically held at the Maclay Gardens State Park.
When? Typically the first full week of the Summer after Memorial Day. Please see the upcoming events page here for more information!
Cub Family Weekend
Who should come? Any registered scout or scouter in the Cub Scout program. This means all Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos and siblings. In fact this is FAMILY CAMP so bring the entire FAMILY!
What? Family Camp is a three day, two night (Friday-Sunday) adventure for the entire family. Come spend the weekend learning Scout skills, playing games, shooting BB guns and more! Activities are available for everyone ages 4 and up (even for your little sister). Registration is by family so don’t worry if your Pack can’t come, we’ll pair you up with some new friends for the weekend!
Where? This event is held at Wallwood Boy Scout Reservation.
When? Typically the last weekend of October. Please see the upcoming events page here for more information!
Tiger Prowl
Who should come? Tiger Cubs (1st Grade) and Adult Partners.
What? Come join us on the trail of Scouting at Tiger Prowl at Wallwood Scout Reservation! All Tiger Cubs and their Adult Partners are invited to come to Wallwood and take a tour of Camp. We will have age-appropriate activities just for the Tigers. This event is designed for new and upcoming Tiger Scouts and their families. This may be your first time camping or experiencing Cub Scouts, and this event is designed to introduce you to the Tiger program and our camp. Event registration includes a commemorative patch, activities, and typically a lunch.
Where? Held at the Wallwood Boy Scout Reservation.
When? Typically on a weekend of October. Please see the upcoming events page here for more information!
Lion Grrrrrowl
Who should come? Lion Scouts (Kindergarten) and Adult Partners.
What? Come join us on your first Scouting adventure! All Lion Scouts and their Adult Partners are invited to attend. We will have age-appropriate activities just for the Lions. This event focuses on familiarizing you and your scout with the Scouting program through application of the 5 R’s of Early Education (Read, Rhyme, Routines, Reward, and Relationships). Event registration only includes activities and commemorative patch. Lunch is not typically provided.
Where? Typically at Killearn United Methodist Church.
When? Typically on a weekend of October. Please see the upcoming events page here for more information!