New Eagle Scout Project Workbook



Now that you have earned the rank of Life Scout, you may now plan and get the approval for your Eagle Scout Project. The Eagle Scout Project Workbook is available online as a PDF file, and it is available in both PC and MAC formats. This is a zip file that you download to your computer and is very user friendly. You may import pictures, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and other files. (See the bottom of this letter)

Please read and complete the Information section, the Proposal section and as much of the Planning section as you are able. This is a Council requirement, as well as having an original with signatures and three copies of the Workbook. Once you have completed your Proposal, you will need to schedule an appointment with the SRAC Eagle Board.

Currently, the SRAC Eagle Board meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 7pm at the Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 4665 Thomasville Road, Tallahassee, FL. 

You should have your signed original and three copies of the workbook ready two weeks prior to the Boards.  Workbooks must be turned in to the Council Service Center.

The SRAC Eagle Board Coordinator is Bill Boyle, and phone (850) 212-7385

Remember that Scouts MUST USE the most current workbook which is dated May 2014 and it should be filled out with as much detain as you are able. The Council’s stance is, the amount of detail submitted in the workbook shows the Eagle candidates level of Preparedness and the Leadership as to their project. As stated in the National Advancement Guide, the workbook is the ONLY means of evaluating the boy’s leadership of his project by the Board. It is highly recommended that each troop provide scouts an Eagle Mentor to help the process.

Finally, after completing the project, and prior to the final Board of Review, the Candidate MUST request the “Verified Eagle Application” which is ONLY available from the Council Service Center. Please call (850) 576-4146 and the Final Application can be printed and picked up or we can mail it. This application requires the Council Eagle Registrar’s signature along with the Scouts signature and the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair signatures. Also the scout must complete requirement 7, which is the Scouts’ life ambitions and aspirations. The Council requires five letters of recommendation which are annotated on the final application. These must be received prior to the Final Board.

Remember, you CANNOT PRINT YOUR OWN EAGLE APPLICATION FROM ONLINE. It will not be accepted! Only the Electronic “Verified Application” will be accepted. Call the Scout Office at (850) 576-4146 if you have any questions or need help.

Click here for the latest Eagle Scout Project Workbook